Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

Example of Task about Finding the passages and decide the synonym

1.Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like a duck’s bill. Platypus is an indigenous of Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.
2. Democracy is a from of government. The word democracy means rule by the people.

3.Bandung, one of the most modern cities, is popular resort town. Some people in Cibadut, in the southeir Bandung, make shoes for domestic markets and export.

4. Smoking is indeed a serious social problem in our country. The government keeps reminding that smoking is dangerous.
5. Bridge to Terabithia is a powerful novel by an American author, Katherine Paterson.  The novel is a real life, fiction that explores friendship, love, and grief telling the story of Jess Aarons and his new neighbor, Leslie Burke.

6. My parents usually do the weekly supermarket shopping together. Last week my father and my mother asked me go to with her.
7. Then the area around the river became a large lake. People call it Lake Toba. 
8. Your condition is like this: you got a fever last night. Your temperature was 38 degree Celsius.
9. A Valentine’s Day which falls on February 14 is no longer only celebrated in Western countries. The commercialization of this special day has spread all over the world.

10. The mouse deer was a very tricky animal but he had many enemies. One of enemies was a crocodile.

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